Hello everyone. Because of problems with our original web address, we've renamed our group to Anxiety Recovery Toronto. We're no longer the Social Phobia Support Group of Toronto, and someone else now owns that web address. This lines up nicely with our broadening focus of our group sessions. This should be the first and last time you have to update your bookmarks. Remember that we've got a Facebook group and you can subscribe to our blog posts via our website. To those of you who subscribe via email updates, you might get an update packed with old blog posts from Feedburner as we change the feed settings to the new site. This is normal.
For those of us suffering from depression, here are a few great finds:
- Hyperbole and a Half on how depression robs us of joy, and how most well-meaning people just don't understand that you can't cheer your way out of it. (The header image is from one of the many drawings in this article.)
- Lessons I Learned from Depression, about being okay to not be okay.
- Some general advice via Wil Wheaton
Be well.